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Fellow of (ISC)²


The Fellow of (ISC)² was established to honor and distinguish a select number of elite cybersecurity professionals who have made extraordinary contributions to the cybersecurity profession. This award recognizes individuals who has achieved excellence in cybersecurity and education and have provided exemplary service to the industry.


Presented annually at the (ISC)² Security Congress event.


Below are the criteria evaluated for this award:

  • Excellence: Describe the nominee’s exceptional contributions to cybersecurity through a breakthrough, discovery, or innovation in their field. Describe the nominee’s prominence in the field and their substantial influence on the profession. Explain how the nominee has displayed excellence in the field of cybersecurity.
  • Leadership: Describe the impact of the nominee’s work and how they inspired and developed future leaders. Provide examples of the nominee’s impact within the profession and/or society. Provide examples of the nominees’ reputation and how they reveal the highest standards of integrity, knowledge, and character. Tell us how the nominee fosters collaboration, communication, and cooperation among their peers and in the cybersecurity community?
  • Service: Describe how the nominee demonstrates exemplary service, commitment, and dedication to the profession. How has the nominee acted as an expert, within and outside the industry?
  • Integrity: How does the nominee exemplify the core values and mission of (ISC)² and the cybersecurity community? Provide examples of the nominee’s personal and professional actions that demonstrate adherence to the highest ethical standards.


(ISC)² is proud to honor our awardees by providing the following benefits. Recipients will receive:

  • Personalized, engraved award
  • Certificate of Achievement
  • Recognition during (ISC)² Security Congress conference
  • Complimentary Security Congress pass for each honoree and their nominator
  • Press Release and recognition on the (ISC)²’s website and other communication channels honoring award recipients
  • One night hotel accommodation
  • Invitation to and recognition at exclusive VIP Awards Reception, if onsite
  • Recognition at Networking Night/Attendee Party during Security Congress, if onsite
  • A lifetime association with (ISC)² without fees or other maintenance requirements [CPE/AMF requirements still apply for Fellows who hold (ISC)² certifications]
  • Use of Fellow of (ISC)² designation


To better understand eligibility for nominees, nominators, and award committees, please refer to (ISC)²’s Conflict of Interest Policy.

Eligible Nominees:

  • (ISC)² Members and Non-Members

Ineligible Nominees:

  • Self-nominations are not permitted
  • (ISC)² Board of Directors, senior officers and staff

Eligible Nominators:

  • Past or present (ISC)² board members
  • A Fellow of (ISC)²
  • (ISC)² Harold F. Tipton award recipient
  • (ISC)² Members


  • Completed nomination form hosted in (ISC)²’s submission system. Please be sure to complete all required sections and save your work. You may return and finish your submission at any time before the submission deadline.
  • A nomination letter with one-sentence citation (300 words) - optional. Letterhead stationery is preferred. Nominator’s name, title, institution and contact information (phone number and email address) are required. The citation should appear at either the beginning or end of the nomination letter. The nomination letter should account for the accomplishments of the candidate based on the criteria established for this award.
  • A curriculum vitae or LinkedIn profile link for the nominee (non-prescriptive). Include the candidate’s name, address and email, history of employment, degrees, research experience, honors, memberships and service to the community through committee work, advisory boards, etc.


  • Submissions must align with the category for which they are nominated and requires completeness and accuracy of the information provided. Nominators may be contacted by (ISC)² staff regarding the nomination package requirements or to clarity or confirm the accuracy of any information provided.
  • Nominators may not nominate the same individual with the same project/initiative under multiple categories.
  • Multiple nominations of same nominee do not increase chances of winning.
  • An individual cannot win the same category for two years in a row. Award recipients can be nominated and chosen for another award different from the award received previously.
  • If the nominee does not want some of the information on the application known, the nominator may indicate which parts of the application should be kept confidential. Further, the information will only be used to judge against criteria and will not be distributed outside of the committee or announced publicly, without express consent of the company and the nominee.
  • Members of the judging panel must abide by (ISC)²’s non-disclosure policy. In addition, (ISC)² has a strict privacy policy and will respect all requests for confidentiality.
  • All submissions should be in English. Supporting documents and any material submitted that is not in English will not be considered. Please also provide a brief description of the document in English, if only a local language supporting document is available.
  • Guidelines and procedures may be changed at the discretion of (ISC)².


For questions or to request more information, please email
