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Apply for Certification

Once you receive your email informing you that you have successfully passed the exam, you can start the Certification Application.

If you have passed the Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) exam, there is no work experience requirement, so your application will contain questions and agreements regarding your adherence to the (ISC)² Code of Ethics and privacy policy.

For all other certifications, you will be required to provide an endorser – another (ISC)²-certified professional in good standing – who can attest to your experience. If you do not know another (ISC)²-certified professional, you can opt for (ISC)² to endorse you.

Your endorser will attest that your assertions regarding professional experience are true to the best of the endorser’s knowledge, and that you are in good standing within the cybersecurity industry. You will need the endorser’s member/certification number when filling out the online application. CISSP concentrations do not require an endorser.

You will also be asked to provide your relevant work experience (requirements vary by certification) and can also provide any experience waiver based on certifications held or higher education degrees completed.

Once your certification application has been approved, the final step in the process is to pay your first Annual Maintenance Fee (AMF) . If you already hold an (ISC)² certification you will not have to pay an additional AMF for your latest certification.

Application Time Limit

All candidates who pass an (ISC)² credential examination must complete the certification application process within nine months of their exam date.

Please note: A percentage of the candidates who pass an (ISC)² examination and submit certification applications will be randomly subjected for audit and required to submit additional information, as required, for verification. You will be notified via email if your application is selected for audit.

Questions about becoming an (ISC)² Member? Connect with your peers on the (ISC)² Community Become a Member discussion board.

