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5 CPE Credits

Creating Your Path to CISO

This course is designed and built to best prepare those aspiring to the CISO role by guiding you through a process of self-assessment, skill development, brand building and interview preparation to give you the tools you need to advance your security career. The course will help you understand more about your strengths and weaknesses in terms of CISO competencies and will guide you through real-world scenarios to help you build your personalized path to the role of CISO.


  • The First Step: Taking a Hard Look in the Mirror
  • Building Interpersonal Skills: Beginning to Understand
  • Building Personal Skills: Highly Effective Work Habits
  • Developing Your Brand in the Industry: Becoming an Industry Leader
  • Walking into the Interview: Presentation of Self

Who Should Take This Course:

Experienced cyber, information, software and infrastructure security professionals who want to better understand the internal and external obstacles that are in their way on their path to becoming a CISO.

About This Course:

Each module begins with an introduction of key concepts based on specific learning objectives, knowledge checks to ensure understanding, and access to relevant resources. Then read relevant thought leadership via articles, blogs and presentations written by industry experts that expand on the concepts covered in the introductory presentation. Each module concludes with an interactive exercise designed to reinforce learning and a final assessment at the end of the last module. You must score 70% or higher on the final assessment prior to receiving a certificate of completion and earning continuing professional education (CPE) credits.
