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4 CPE Credits

CISO's Guide to Success

The role of CISO represents the management pinnacle of success for cybersecurity professionals. This course is designed and built to best prepare those aspiring to this role, or those that might have recently achieved it. The course leverages thought leadership from industry experts to help you develop a plan for your first 30, 60 and 90 days in this new role. You will learn what it means to be a competent and successful CISO as well as understand where you stand on a broad set of competencies that every CISO should have.


  • Defining the Next Generation CISO
  • Understanding your New World (The First 30 Days)
  • Laying the Foundation (The Next 60 Days)
  • Building Organizational Success (The next 90 days)
  • Leadership & Management as a CISO

Who Should Take This Course:

Experienced cyber, information, software and infrastructure security professionals who recently entered into a leadership role, have been serving in a leadership role or are aspiring to serve in a leadership role and want to ensure their success.

About This Course:

The scenario-driven interactions are meant to spur simulation-like responses that you will find applicable in your daily work. The interactions have stories that reflect real world dynamics between people and technology at typical types of organizations. Each module begins with an introduction of key concepts based on specific learning objectives, knowledge checks to ensure understanding, and access to relevant resources. Then read relevant thought leadership via articles, blogs and presentations written by industry experts that expand on the concepts covered in the introductory presentation. Each module concludes with an interactive exercise designed to reinforce learning and a final assessment at the end of the last module. You must score 70% or higher on the final assessment prior to receiving a certificate of completion and earning continuing professional education (CPE) credits.
