Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we receive about posting in the blog section.
I submitted a post. When will it be approved by moderators?
Posts that are within acceptable terms of service are generally approved within 3-5 business days. If you have questions about a blog’s publishing status, please reach out to [email protected].
What are the rules for submitting a blog?
Game Developer accepts blogs about game development written by the folks creating, marketing, and developing games. Please consult our submission guidelines to read our posting etiquette guide.
What image files are supported?
Most image files are supported, including .jpg, .png, .gif and .webp.
While images make a blog post more interesting, we find that blogs featuring strategically placed images perform best. Please ensure your submission leads with text and uses images to emphasize written points. The GD team reserves the right to limit or remove images on a case-by-case basis.
How big should my header be?
A header of at least 1200 pixels wide is suggested. Game Developer supports images in a 16:9 ratio. Most image files are supported, including .jpg, .png, .gif and .webp.
What players and embeddables are supported?
Game Developer blogs can include a variety of multimedia formats, including animated gifs, sound clips, and videos. However we are unable to host these on our platform and ask you please upload any materials on your platform of choice and simply include the embed HTML code in your submission. Currently, Game Developer blogs support embeds from the following platforms:
YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and SoundCloud.
What is the suggested word count?
While we do not impose editorial standards like word count on submitted blogs, 800-2000 words is an ideal length.
Can I have a personal headshot in my author profile?
We apologize but at this time, we do not have the tools necessary for developers to change their profile details and are unable to accept headshot requests.
Can I obtain metrics for the articles I post?
While we do not have that data readily available for our authors, you can get more information on Game Developer's audience, including metrics on newsletter and social media reach, by downloading our media kit located here.
Can readers comment on my post?
At this time, comments are not available on Game Developer. However, we encourage you to send all blog-related feature requests or questions to your Community Editorial Coordinator, Holly Green.
What criteria are you looking for in a Featured Blog post?
There are several things you can do to optimize your article and ensure that it is seen by more people.
Write a strong headline that adequately summarizes the content of your article, preferably comprising at least 5 or more words.
Use as many visuals as you can, including a text-free, high-definition header image.
Pay attention to formatting and how the article is sectioned. We strongly encourage the use of subheadings to summarize and organize your content for easier reading.
Your audience is comprised of game developers looking for creative inspiration and technical insight into how to be better at their jobs. Articles that speak to their concerns about the industry and advocate for game developers are often among the most popular. Write for your peers and keep their best interests in mind.
If you can, conclude your piece with some concrete takeaways and tell us what lessons you would pass on to other developers.
Here are a few examples of blogs that fit most or all of our Featured Blog criteria:
How To Write a Game Design Document by Leandro Gonzalez
The 13 Basic Principles of Gameplay Design by Matt Almer
Behavior Trees for AI: How They Work by Chris Simpson
How to build a super community by Michael Silverwood
Skyrim's Modular Approach to Level Design by Joel Burgess
Breaking the NES for Shovel Knight by David D’Angelo
Graveyard Keeper: How the graphics effects are made by Svyatoslav Cherkasov
Level Design Patterns in 2D Games by Ahmed Khalifa
Ready to post your first blog? Check out our full Blogging Guidelines to learn what kind of blogs Game Developer is looking for and how to make your article stand out, or submit your post now!